List of Computing Technologies
- Spaceships - Faster than light travel
Impossible because the speed of light is the maximum velocity that anything can travel.
- Little CDs for communication across spaceships
Existing. This was an odd technology to use to communicate across spaceships but CDs do exist.
- Use of tablets with styli (in high school)
Emerging. It was a rather forward-looking idea for when the movie was made.
- Video calling (Rico with parents)
Existing. Video calling wasn’t as popular when the movie was made, but it is today.
- Voiceprint analyzer (Carmen)
Existing. Voice authentication exists now.
- Proximity sensors on the spaceship.
Existing. When Carmen was piloting the ship and they get close to an asteroid, the warning systems of the spaceship sound alarms that say how far they were from the asteroid
- Navigation system
Existing. The spaceship has a navigation system that Carmen fiddles with to get the “optimal course” GPS systems are common today.
Other Technologies
- Prosthetic limbs
- Laser tattoos
- Robot-assisted surgery
- The regrowing tank
- Exoskeletons
- Dyson ring
- Micro Nukes